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The brunch and hospitality workshops of the Jerusalemite
All my life I was drawn to the kitchen, food was my therapy and an escape from frames to the happy creative areas.
The corona virus made me take significant steps,
To open My Jerusalem, which turned a small brunch basket into a home delicacy
that tells my story through food.
And now I want to share with you all my baking, cooking and love for food.
I'm going out with a baking and catering workshop in my house in the Greek market in the magical Jaffa
and invites you to learn how to bake with fun and ease And how to host the most huggable!
To register for the upcoming workshop see below
To inquire about private workshops, contact the Jerusalemite - Dor 0509900897
The upcoming brunch workshop
Friday 19 at9:30-13:00
day thatYishai22.9 at9:30-13:00
Thursday21.9 at17:30-21:30
Thursday 28.9 at 17:30-21:30
Registration and payment in paybox for the workshop through the form
The workshop takes place at the Jerusalem studio at
Elazar ben Azaria 7, Jaffa Tel Aviv
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